When Jordan’s away

originally posted at http://baylessnews.blogspot.com/2013/01/when-jordans-away.html

What a week! It’s when Jordan travels that I realize how much he helps with the bedtime routine. It is my least favorite part of the day. It doesn’t matter how patient I was or how many good moments I shared with the boys during the day, it is all undone by 8 o’clock. The boys are stomping around, crying, pouting, and I’m threatening to ground them for life during scripture study. We are almost never in a good mood when family prayer starts. It’s terrible. It really doesn’t go any smoother when Jordan is in town, it’s just that I have his support and a partner in crime so to speak. He also can sense when I’ve had enough and will offer to take over. There is no such relief when it’s just me. So I was doing a lot of tantruming myself this week and a lot of apologizing to the boys. I will say that there were many bright moments too but it seems Moms have a habit of only dwelling on the massive failures. Anyway, Jordan came back from France on Friday with plenty of chocolate to go around which has an amazing way of making one forget their cares. We had a great weekend at home together. I have been exercising regularly again and it amazes me how much of a difference this has made in my moods (despite what I just confessed about my tantrums). I am just plain happier! I took a Zumba class on Saturday and despite the sweat and exhaustion, I was down right giddy! I tend to forget this and will skip exercise for weeks and even months at a time. It also motivates me to eat better (despite my previous confession to binging on Swiss chocolate). On a random note, I had a crazy dream last night (probably the chocolate). I dreamed that we had another boy. Problem is, he was born with a full set of teeth and he kind of looked like the joker…sigh…not exactly the kind of dream someone contemplating a fourth needs to be having! There was more to the dream that I won’t share because you’ll questions my state of mind. I have some seriously crazy thoughts when I’m asleep! I also got a new calling on Sunday. I can’t reveal it as it’s not official but I will say that I am in a bit of shock, especially since I usually sense these things coming (which I didn’t AT ALL) and because I was so happy in my current calling as nursery leader. I had only been in for a few months so I thought for sure I would be camping out for at least another year. I will miss my Granny Goose (Grant) so much. He is kind of crazy in nursery so I kind of feel for the next leader. That’s all for now.

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